Underbreast T-shirt glitch

Hi. I have a problem fitting clothes to Genesis 3. I make clothes with Marvelous Designer and modify them with Blender. Then I import them in Daz Studio and fit to Genesis 3, which is the model I used in Marvelous. The shirts and top of dresses, etc, look fine with that, but when I morph Genesis 3 (Victoria 7, e.g.) appears that glitches underbreast. I tried to fix it with weight map, but don't fix anything. I tried modify the cloth, making it more large in the underbreast zone, but neither fix it. 

Maybe the solution is very simple, but I don't know Daz Studio very well and I've been working with it a little time. I will appreciate any help. 

Breast Error 01.png
1920 x 1080 - 583K
Breast Error 02.png
1920 x 1080 - 656K
Breast Error 03.png
1920 x 1080 - 774K


  • Are you using the smaller-breasted figure as your avatar in MD? If so, it's locking the garment to that shape, and you're stretching it out later, as well as taking up the extra room under the breasts.

    Your MD avatar needs the morphs to now how far it can stretch the garment, and make the appropriate adjustments so it maintains the correct fit.

  • No, I'm using Genesis 3 as avatar in MD. The only things I change in Blender are the borders of the clothes, apply Subdivision Surface modifier and make the UVs. 

  • Causam3DCausam3D Posts: 212
    edited January 2018


    I feel your pain.  Here is the solution I found:

    1) After autofitting the garment, change Edge Interpolation from Sharp Edges to Soft Corners And Edges.

    2) Make sure a smooting modifier is applied (Edit -> Object -> Geometry -> Add Smoothing Modifier).

    3) Run the smoothing iterations way up until the breast area looks right.

    This is not a perfect solution.  For one thing, if you have subtle wrinkles in some parts of the garment, they tend to be muted as well.  It's a judgement call, but if you tinker with this a bit you will probably find that it saves you a lot of headache at times.

    EDIT: If you re-export the model and open it in Blender, you will note that DS has added a "sharp" to the area where you are getting your cleavage and under curve error.  This is what cued me to the above fix.  It's annoying. 

    Post edited by Causam3D on
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