Knee Braces!

It surprises me that there hasn't been any knee brace clothing props for characters. At least none that I can see.
I would like to see a knee brace prop, made for either the right or the left. I'd love to see it for M3 (as that's what I want it for and yes, I still use the M3 model), but it'd make sense for it to be available for all other models as well.
What'cha think? :)

331 x 600 - 54K
Check the porn sites. Davo has a pretty good selection of generic straps and suchlike over at Renderotica. You'll have to do some kit bashing
I'd be interested in this for Genesis, actually. Not so much for replicating medical prosthetics, but for cybernetic, Borg-like costume attachments, which can conform to all the varieties of body types Genesis can provide. I love the current generation of new armour sets, but a lot of them look like they 'bend' at joints, as though the suits are made out of something flexible. Something with mix-and-match physical, structured joints could give a more convincing mechanised look for robotic (or even cyborg) characters.
Best one I've seen, so far, is this, which I'm incredibly pleased with:
But the joints are a little too exposed if you want a character to look like it's created for combat.
You can, however, add and subtract individual joints to a conventional Genesis figure, if you want to give a character an appearance of having futuristic prosthetics.