Best Program For Creating Clothing???
I'm sure this question has probably been asked and answered a million times, though a search of the forums revealed no previous discussions.
I am about to begin exploring the process of creating my own clothing for my characters and was wondering which software is the best for this purpose.
Any 3D modeling program you can learn and use well. It all depends on what you will be happy with. Wings3D, Blender, Hexagon, and many others come to mind.
Thanks Jaderail.
I was wanting to know which program produces the best results not necessarily which is cheaper or easier to use, just to clarify things. I have Blender and Hexagon so I can play with those but I'd rather learn on whichever program I will end up using and that will be whichever creates the best looking clothing.
It is not the program which produces good results it is the artist using the program.
Different artists model in different applications but achieve similar results.
Find a modeller that you are comfortable in and learn how to use it.
There are many tutorials available to assist in learning to model.
Bear in mind that if you want to distribute your models then things like shrink wrapping are frowned upon by Daz3d.
The updated EULA addresses many modeling issues like shrink wrapping that once where strictly forbidden. Give it a new read.
As said so well before, the program does not a mesh make. It's up to you, and as I said if this one is easy and you enjoy using it then use this one. Which ever one you pick to use.
Thanks for the input guys, still fairly new to this stuff so not sure what the term shrink wrapping refers to. I have found that in every different form of digital art that there is one program that stands out as the leader in it's field, Photoshop for example, is head and shoulders above any other program when it comes to 2D art and photo editing. Autocad is the standout when it comes to construction design, just to name a couple of examples. I am just wondering which 3D program is the one that the industry considers to be the leader of the pack.
Graham, I wont be selling any of the things I make, just the artwork produced at the end so I want to create original designs for as much of the content as I can.
Maya, 3DS Max, ZBrush all fill that one...
well, if it helps, my process for making my custom armors, is to model in blender, or maybe z-brush is i am needing precision, then use blender to produce UV maps, then per-fect those uv maps with the GIMP or Photoshop. or i just use "realitypaint" using this process i am able to make pretty nice custom sets. not quite as good as this :
but about at this level of quality: really simple, as i am new to it.
(not mine, just examples of the complexity)
I just want to know which is the easiest to use program/ software for creating clothes for DAZ. I'm an artist who works in 2D mainly oil on canvas so the less technical the process for creating the clothes and also Id like to create my own 3D figure. For example a programme that is geared towards sculpting and painting the old fashioned way ie hand-eye coordination. Hexagon seems to have some facility that suits visual artists who are lacking computer tech skills. Which programs are best suited for this type of 3D creation? I should say I have only ever used DAZ 3D in its most basic form I have only read about hexagon which is why I mention it. In the words of David Bowie, I am an absolute beginner! :-)
You might want to look at Sculptris - it isn't going to be ideal, for good quality meshes you really do need a more technical polygon modeller like Hexagon or retopology tools to turn a sculpted mesh into a more regular mesh, but it might get you started. Use the base, unmorphed, Genesis as a mannequin to guide your shaping as it will then be fairly simple to rig using the Transfer Utility, though tidying up again gets technical (avoid skirt-type garments to start with).
People do use Cinema 4D, but they also use Hexagon. C4D does, I believe, support morphs so you may be able to manage both the model and its morphs in one place - but that is true of Blender too. Have you tried the C4D demo?
Well it's a ways off but Unity is adding Otoy Octane Renderer to Unity Free and has designs on being animation software. However C4D does have much modeling tools that Unity doesn't.