How to add or change the color? Also how do I restore a window pane?

     Right now I am new to DAZ.  Right now, I am trying to edit the Michael 8 figure. I finally got the genitals for Michael 8 working but they are grey.  Righn now, they are only the Michael 8 figure and the genitals (No other add-ons, etc.)  How do I make their color match the rest of the Michael 8 figure? 

     While exploring the various window options, I accidentally undocked two of the window panes (Posing and smart content).  How do I restore them to their original places, docked?


  • You need the matching material preset for the anatomical elements - if there is one. There should be a preset for the default Michael 8 and Genesis 8 Male materials. Presumably you have the Pro Bundle if you have the Anatomical Elements, and the characters that come with that also have anatomical elelemnt settings as I recall.

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