Install fail Daz 3D Studio Mac
For some reason, I can not install this on my Mac. I tried the 32 bit, 64 bit, the application itself, the download manager version... I end up having to force quit because the installer stops responding (hanging on a screen that says "waiting for DAZ3DIM to exit").
I'm runing Sierra 10.12.6 on a 2017 Macbook pro. I also quit applications, restarted, turned off all firewall and traffic monitoring apps... nothing.
Thanks for any help!
- Do the account you run the Installer from has the right to Authenticate?
- Can you start and set the filter to the installer and copy the logs from the installer here?
I suspect either you do not have privilegies to install, ot the installer tries to create a directory ion a folder your user do not have access rights to.
And btw - ignore anythimg 3-bit, except DIM that currently is 32-bit (it doesn't need more memory).