Where is Iray Optimized Genesis 2 MAT?
I am trying to follow along with a tutorial in a book, and it says to go to Actors, Wardrobe and Props > Surfaces (color) > Preset tab, then select Iray > Feminine > Genesis 2 Female > Skin > Iray Optimized Genesis 2 MAT. I can't even find the Actors, Wardrobe and Props tab or pane, let alone the rest.
The book was written for DAZ Studio 4.8, so maybe the tabs and locations of things have changed since then?
Anyway, any help on finding the MAT file?
Post edited by RLSprouse on
The Actors, Wardrobe and Props tab is one of the four default Viewport tabs in DAZ Studio (the others being Pose and Animate, Lights and Cameras and Render). Each of these viewport tabs, when accessed, will display different tabs on the left side of the viewport that are specific to operations normally performed in those views. The Tutorial specifies the Actors, Wardrobe and Props viewport tab because that is the only one that displays the Surfaces tab on the left. Clicking on the Surfaces tab will open it, revealing three additional tabs at the top, one of which is Presets. However, either later versions of DAZ Studio and/or the Genesis 2 Female Starter Essentials must have changed where the file that you are looking for was stored, since it is not found by default under Presets. Instead, you can access it within your Content Library tab under DAZ Studio Formats - People > Genesis 2 Female > Materials > Iray > Iray Optimized Genesis 2 MAT. Presumably it should also be similarly accessible under the Smart Content tab, but I don't use the latter, so I don't know.
Update: I don't believe that I have ever actually used that material preset, and so my curiosity was raised. I actually ended up doing three comparative renders: one of the default Genesis 2 Female with the render engine set to Iray so that DAZ Studio did an auto-conversion; and one with the optimized Genesis 2 mats applied. I discarded one done using manually-applied Iray Uber shaders as it wasn't noticeably differenet from the first. The results can be seen below, in that order, by clicking on the thumbnails. The eyes are obviously not right in the second, as I had selected all the surfaces - I should have omitted the eye surfaces. The real difference seems to largely be in the specular highlights, otherwise they are very similar.
Thank you so much for taking the time to respond! I'll try what you have suggested.