Why are these files in "My Daz 30 Library"

I am trying to replicate my configuration on a second machine and found several files that were "missing" on the 2nd machine. I tracked them down and they are located in this directory under "My Daz 30 Library":
data/daz 3d/genesis 8/female/morphs/my_user_name/product/alias_head_ectrleyelidsupperup-downl.dsf
How do these files get placed here?
I had expected that I would need to share "My Library" between the two systems but I was hoping that DIM would keep the main "My Daz 30 Library" up to date.
If that's the literal path it's a property you saved, not one that DIM or DS installed.
The default is 3D (three dee) not 30 (thirty).
That was just a typo. I am wondering if these files are somehow related to Products that I create for 3rd party stuff. I am not sure where that data is located. The product info and my custom Catagories are not showing up on my 2nd system.
The important thing for me is that I need to know what folders I need to share with my 2nd system in order to be able to load and render my Scenes.
Those folder names, if literal, are something you saved - so they would need to be copied if you had used the saved thing in a scene.
This is a significant problem. Without knowing why they are being saved in that location is causing me problems sharing stuff between two systems. These files seem to be related to Morphs that I use in a scene but for some reason they are not saved in "My Library" where the Scene is going. I don't really want to share "My Daz 3D Library" over the network for performance reasons.These aren't files I am explicitly saving. They are a side-effect of something.
Does anyone know why they are created? .. and how to get them to save under "My Library" instead?