Where is Optitex?

Since upgrading to 4.10 and that comes with the Amazing D-Fail, I haven't been able to get the old Optitex Dynamic clothing control back. Is this deliberate on Daz's part? ... or am I missing something? Any hints or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

2064 x 872 - 126K
Make sure you install the updated Dynamic Clothing Control plug-in after installing the updated DS - if you start them both running at the same time the plug-in will finish and install before DS, and will then be overwritten. Also make sure that you are using matching build numbers.
Hi Richard and as always thanks for the response. I actually did the opposite and found an older version. The most recent version 1.7.0 is the one that's failing to load but your suggestion led me to go find an older copy. Version 1.6.4 is now working just fine.
Thanks again :)