Hotkeys for directories?

I notice I get very frustrated when I'm working on a scene, and I have to go between posing a character, messing with some sort of shader, then having to go back and load another pose or an expression or whatever.
What's frustrating is having to navigate all the way back to "shader presets" and then dig through the folders, and then back to "people" then "genesis 8" the "poses" and all that. It's only a momentary thing, but it's cumulatively annoying.
So the question is:
Is there any way to program a hotkey for some of those directories? Like a hotkey to the "shader presets" or to the "genesis 8"?
Thanks in advance for any tips, they'd make using the program just a little more pleasant!
I don't know if I should have posted this over in "Daz Studio Discussion" instead of "nuts and bolts?"
No, there isn't a fast and easy way, although it can be done with a script.
You can modify that script to point to any folder you like, then resave it multiple times to the content library, each one pointing to a different folder.
I requested an easy Favorites menu a long time ago, but it's never appeared yet.
Also, remember that you can add anything at all in the content library to your custom actions, and if you like, put it on a toolbar. For instance, if you use Genesis 8 a lot, right-click the thumbnail in content and choose 'Create Custom Action'. It will appear in Menu> Scripts and one click will load it. You can do that for figures, props, lights, poses, etc. I have a toolbar with all the things I use most, so I don't need to go looking for them.
Cool, that's a very good start! I appreciate it. I didn't know you could do that with the thumbnails--that's pretty awesome.
Looking at your link, I may be a bit too much of a noob to figure out how to tweek the script. I can't even see where you'd tell it which folder you'd like it to point to. ;(
Oooo... nevermind, I found it! Thanks, this is very helpful!
EDIT: GREAT SUCCESS!!! I think there IS a way to make a keyboard shortcut for these custom actions in the script menu, I'll look that up. I can't thank you enough.
Cool. Glad you got it working!
DS has a huge amount of wonderful things under the hood, and most of them aren't too difficult to figure out - once you know about them. The trick is knowing they exist, and that's where the forums are handy.
Btw, if you put a custom action on a toolbar, it will use the thumbnail from content as an icon, so it's easy to see what it is. You can even edit the tooltip to say anything you like.