Studio 4.10 Requires DIM Installed Content to be Reinstalled

Hi all, for the past few months have been experiencing a problem with both purchased and free Content - including Gen 3&8+dForce items - all having been gotten from DAZ 3D that have been installed via DIM having to be reinstalled in Studio 4.10. Studio shows the content as not having been installed while DIM shows the opposite... It seems like Studio and DIM are not communicating with each other... Am using the most current release of DIM -
Some examples include: Charli Hair, Show your Bra2, Nurmies Greebles 3, High Neck Bikini For Gen3&8, Jepes BeddingZ for V7, IDG Force Dynamics Super Long Scarf, TerraDome 3 Content, Collective 3D Create A Room XPack3, and many others... Infact just about every item I have gotten over the past few months has ended up showing not installed in Studio, yet was installed in DIM.
Are others here experiencing this same issue? If so have you found any solutions to this time consuming problem? Would really appreciate your help on this in case anyone has any answers out there...
Many Thanks and I apologize if this has already been covered on another post as I was unable to find the issue here...
Were you previously using DS 4.8 or earlier, with the Valentina database for the Content Management System, or were you already using PostgreSQL? What security software are you running?
Greetings Richard, this is a newer computer and has always been installed with Version 4.9+ and yes PostgreSQL is installed.
My installations are on multiple drives as follows due to hard drive space with all being internal drives except Drive K,
DIM Installer: C:/Program Files (x86)/DAZ 3D/DAZ3DIM1
DIM Downloaded Files: K:/DAZ-Studio/DAZ Downloaded Files
PostgreSQL: C:/Program Files/DAZ 3D/PostgreSQL CMS
DAZ Installer: E:/Program Files/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4
DAZ Content: G:/My DAZ Library
According to the way DIM is setup all connections are being pointed to correctly as follows - copied from DIM Log,
Application Data: Location = C:/Users/Borgtrekker-7/AppData/Roaming/DAZ 3D/InstallManager
Current Download Path: Location = K:/DAZ-Studio/DAZ Downloaded Files
Current Content Install Path: Location = G:/My DAZ Library
Current 64-bit Software Install Path: Location = E:/Program Files
Current 32-bit Software Install Path: Location = C:/Program Files (x86)
Therefore with everything appearing to be pointing correctly I cannot understand why this issue with having to double install everything is occurring or am I missing something...
And have you set these paths in DS too? It dosn't automatically sync with DIM (though Rob has posted scripts to do the job )
Yes, that's right, they don't. The defaults for content in both programs are the same, but if you've set up custom locations in DIM, you must manually check the Content Directory Management settings in DAZ|Studio to make sure both programs are using the same locations. It's much too easy to set things up so that DIM is installing content files to one location and D|S is looking for them somewhere else.
Sorry but I know nothing about scripting so the reference link is "All Greek to me". Are there other ways to achive the same thing as in the scripting?
Hi, thanks for the info and yes I have altered my Content Directory Management Settings to reflect my Content Locations and everything matches. Therefore none of this appears to be the issue... This being the case do I have to uninstall Studio thus clearing out these issues and then reinstall again hoping that all will be resolved? I am hoping that DIM will not need to be uninstalled also as I hate to have to reinstall all my content as I have close to 5000 items and that is just from DAZ 3D... If a reinstall of DIM is necessary is there any way to put the content files back in without reinstalling them? I have not deleted the installer files...
Many thanks, looking forward to your responses so i can get this resolved once and for all hopefully.
Uninstalling and reinstalling won't affect settings anyway.
Just download the script for synching from DIM to Daz Studio, then drag it into an open DS viewport to run it - you don't need to know anything about scripting.
Richard there are 2 scripts listed for DIM so which one are you referring to are do I need both of them to resolve this?
The To Daz Studio one, since you want DS to use the paths you have set in DIM
Hi again Richard, sorry but Holidays got in the way until today to get this done... I did as you suggested, ran the script and everthing looks good, however I did have to rerun Import Metadata as I still had a bunch on Content showing in the Installed Tab that showed the icons that tell you a content item is not recognized as being installed... Once it ran almost all of my Content now shows as being installed with a few exceptions for older non-metadata items showiing under the Lost and Found Folder.
Therfore i believe we can call this a success after I run Studio for a few days making sure that all new content installed in DIM shows as being installed in Studio.
Thank you for all your help on this and Happy 2018!!