Can you delete merged geometry?

I have a character that has merged geometry (the anatomical elements), I remember clicking on "Merge fitted geometry" and then deleted the anatomical elements from the scene. I saved the file and closed Daz. I am wondering if I can get rid of the merged geometry at this point or I will have to start all over again creating my character.
Where did you click Merge Fitted Geometry?
I remember a long time ago pulling that option from Window - Workspace - Customize - Geometry Editing - Merge Fitted Figure(s) Geometry. After I merged it to the character, I deleted the original genitals (paranted to the character), but I don't need it I want to "remove" the G3F anatomical elements and revert back to the defaults without having to recreate the whole character in a new scene.
Ah, I see - not a feature I had noticed before. It does say it can't be undone, and there is no obvious way to reverse it so I'm pretty sure you would have to start over (thpught you should be able to copy shape, pose, and materials across)
I dont have a complex character, I have just combined two and change some of the shape sliders and materials for the eyes, how can I copy that and get the same character in a different file?
Save a Character Preset to some folder in your content library. This will save all 'currently used' Property values (all shape settings) the textures and the shader settings.
Even the geometry is different from the current figure in the scene compared to the original figure the Shaping settings can be applied to the original figure if the Property / Morph exists on both figures. Same applies to the Textures / Shader if the Surface names are the same it can be applied to other figures / props - if it allways makes sense is another question ;).
I selected my character and removed all of the clothes / hair then I clicked on File - Save as - Character Preset, but I am wondering how to load this, I have tried using the base character - Olympia 7 and then loading that preset (which is a combination of Olympia and Natalie), but it does not work as expected. I also tried loading the preset in the scene and it kinda looks different and the anatomical elements are still there.
Using a Character Preset to load modified geometry will load the modified geometry, applying it to a base figure already loaded won't. Another option is to copy the modified figure, then with a base figure selected use the Edit>Paste sub menu.
Oh I'm sorry to write such missleading infos.
Your are right saveing a Character Preset wount help maybe try Shape Preset + Material Preset. But I'm shure Shape Presets saved from the modified figure can be applied to the original figure if the Property / Morph exists on both figures.
I just used Properties Preset and it seems like it's working for what I needed, thanks
Hm, when I tried doing that on my second character I get an error in unity when I use the same avatar as my character, it says bone legth in copied configuration mismatches and 2 of the bones are causing it rShin and lShin, if I dont apply the character preset almost all of the bones are mismatching the length, but even if I apply the preset it fails to apply the correct length to the rShin and lShin
Edit : I figured out that this happens because I merge the new anatomical elements into the character, funny thing is that I didnt get that error on my first character...
I dont recomment you to use the Properties Preset this is a very specialized Preset to combine several other Preset types in one.
Use the Shape Preset for custom Character Shape settings. It may save some morph / property settings of the merged anatomical elements that arent there on the original figure but you can apply the Preset anyway. Also custom scaling of bones should be saved along with the Shape Preset.
1. Load a new figure into the scene with the old one.
2. Set all sliders on #2 to what they are on #1.
3. Apply same eye materials to #2 as are on #1.