Bought Winter HDRIs. Got settings but no Scenes.

I uninstalled and reinstalled. Same deal.
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I uninstalled and reinstalled. Same deal.
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I see HDRIs listed, but I don't see scenes listed in the description if it's this one:
I only see the HDRIs listed.
First of all if you used DAZ Connect, try using the Install Manager instead: I'm not sure why but it seems that the Connect doesn't copy files correctly. I will notify DAZ about it.
Once you install with the Install Manager, you should find the product files in Content Library->Environments->AMLM->Winter HDRI. They are organized in two folders, LR and HR (respectively Lower and Higher Resolution); each one comes with a Render Settings Preset and Camera Preset.
Ever needed dramatic lighting and landscapes for winter, snow, ice landscapes, or just for XMas? Well look no further, you cannot miss this!
It says landscapes right there.
Also the files added up to like 1.5gb. That definitely is not camera and lighting settings. I just can't see them. I used Daz install manager.
Lighting via HDR image (like the Ruins default set) is a Render Setting for iray, and it's the HDRs that make the package so large.
Is this your product? If so, let me know what I can do. I bought the product because I thought it was a package of winter scenes with HDRI lighting built in. I got the lighting and I got the settings, but none of the other folders contain any data.
How about someone just fixes the Daz Connect download? If I am mistaken in thinking that it is the Daz3D preferred download method then please correct me.
I tried it first, no luck. So I uninstalled and pulled down the off-line installers, again no luck.
Ignoring the major server crash that took down all downloads... Daz Connect works for all the products that I have purchased from Daz3D since they introduced it, why doesn't it work of this product? (That is a question for Daz3D to answer, not Alessandro)
I truly appreciate Alessandro trying to help out here, but this is a problem for the broker to solve, not the vendor.
I need a definitive answer. Is this supposed to have the backgrounds shown in the sales pitch or not?
Have you tried to render an image with them? They will not show visibly in the preview window when applied, as Richard said; you either need to enable Iray Preview or do a test render to see them.
When the dome is rendered, you can see the HDRI which is a landscape image. The way it renders, it allows the model to look like it is within an environment as well as being lit by it. If the dome is turned off, it only provides lighting.
Hi-res HDRIs can be weighty, hence the 1.5 gb.
Already notified DAZ about this Connect issue, I hope they will chime in or let me know when things are fixed.
As it goes with all HDRI, they do also work as background plates, if that is what you mean. Of course you have to enable the Iray preview to see them. Once you load one of the Render Settings Presets provided (and the related Camera Preset if you like), enable the Iray preview and you can pan and move the camera around and "navigate" the 360° background dome.
Okay. Does the choice of dome show up in the folders or do I have to go into environments and hunt it down? Right now I have no dome setting in the folder structure. Which is why I was alarmed in the first place.
On the product pages, you will now find Read Me links (most if not all). This is the one for this product.
On it, it reads:
Winter HDRIs1of2 (Core)
You can find new icons for loading this product in the following DAZ Studio Folders:
“Environments:AMLM:Winter HDRI:Scenes:HR”
“Environments:AMLM:Winter HDRI:Scenes:LR”
You can find new icons for this product in the following DAZ Studio Categories:
So you should see presets at those locations which will set your dome with the desired HDRI. The dome settings themselves are on the Render tab under Environment. But the presets should take care of it.