Latest Version of DAZ Studio is 4.1 or 4.9 ?
Hello. I do not remember exactly when I install DAZ Studio but it was probably at summer. I had it free and it was 4.9 version of DAZ Studio. Now when I check the DAZ Instll Manager, there is DAZ Studio 4.10 and there is no "✔" next to it but also next of the line there is written "uninstall" + Just down of it there is "Default resources for DAZ Studio 4.9 and it has "✔" next to it. So, my DAZ Studio version is 4.9 and its not show up at the DIM. So can some one illuminate me about it?
It's neither - it's These are whole numbers separated by dots, not decimals, so the zero matters - four dot ten dot zero dot 123.
I was about to delete this post, I just find it out while I was reading about the 4.10 release, I am feeling so fool ))
It's easy to do when only the first two parts of the number are given.