Does Look at my Hair work in Iray?

A bit confused about how Look at my Hair product works, but it seems the only option to make Big Cats 2 cute and fuzzy, right? I'm on a mac if that matters.... Thoughts? :)


  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    Look at My hair doesnh't work directly in Iray. There is a plugin that allow Iray renders.

    However, that needs special settings, and only the animals  or LAMH Add Ons sold by Alessandro AM have that setting included. For example the White Tiger add on has Iray Catalysator settings:

    The other option is to convert the fur to object, and then render that in Iray. The file can get very large from all the polyongs of the fur. You'll probably also need to adapt the surface settings then, too.

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903

    You should get the LAMH Iray Catalyzer ( as well as LAMH itself AND the vendor has to have made Catalyzer presets (which I believe has been done for their Big Cats presets).

    It's possible to do an object export of the LAMH preset (if you have LAMH full version and not just the player) and render without the Catalyzer, but that process tends to be tricky and fiddly.

  • So... if I understand then, to render a cute fuzzy tiger I need 4 things 1. The comparable tiger (it daz big Cat 2), 2. The look at my hair product, is the one for big cats 3. The catalizer thingie (I don’t understand what it does but it seems mandatory) and 4 the free look at my hair player.  Is that right?

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    Yes, that about sums it up.

  • Thanks Bee!!!!!

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