cloth simulation is Studio

I am attempting to use an obj file as a cloth object.
I imported in to studio. i added dforce modifier weight node 1 , I made sure that was parented to the square obj. I pressed simulate.
I get an error box saying "No objects to simulate" and "add a dforce modifier or object to scene."
What am I doing wrong and are there any tutorials on this. ?
Note: i have just upgraded to Poser 11 for the cloth simulations and animation tools so imagine my surprise when I found what looked like cloth sims in Daz studio without buying add-ons. ;-)
These two statements don't go together — dForce isn't something that can be parented to the simulation object, it's a set of extra parameters added to the simulation object after you've added the dForce modifier to it.
For links to tutorials, look at the sticky threads at the top of the Commons section of the forums. There are other threads, but they're a bit scattered all over the place.
The dFroce Wrigth Node is something you add to an object with a dForce modifier if you want to use weight maps to control it, as SpottedKitty says you need to add the modifier first. The basic steps are covered in