DAZ 4.10 figure exports do not work properly

In DAZ 4.9 I could export DAZ figures with Reallusion’s facial fbx key, import them into 3DXchange, then on to iClone, and the face would be animated. 

Since DAZ 4.10 this does not work.  3DX crashes every time I try to import one of the 4.10 figures with the iClone face key.

The experiments thus far:

DAZ 4.10 figure with no animation applied imports into 3DX fine, and then on to iClone fine.  Bringing them back into DAZ works.

Old DAZ 4.9 figure with face key applied imports into 3DX fine, and then on the iClone fine.  Bringing them back into DAZ works.

Applying any animation at all to 4.10 figure results in a crash.  Morphs seem to be ok though.  Bringing them back into DAZ does not work.

I uninstalled and reinstalled DAZ.  No change

Support suggested that I try the 4.10 beta.  The exports still cause 3DX to crash.  I reverted back to standard 4.10.

I tried using my Microsoft Surface – small screen, tiny hard drive and sending files back and forth by usb stick makes this not really usable in the long run, but worth a try.  Exporting DAZ 4.10 figures with iClone face key works! 

So, this tells me that there is something wrong with one of the files associated with DAZ that didn’t get removed and replaced in the uninstall/reinstall or the switch to beta and back.  I have given this information to support, but haven’t heard back yet.

Does anyone know what I can do to solve this?



  • Are you sure your FBX export settings are the same for each test?

  • I used the G 3 Female with no clothing for all tests.  When I tried full body motions, I used the ones from the G 3 starter pack.  I did also try manually moving just arms, but not with every setting change.
    (II tried other figures as well, but it was with random settings and all failed)

    I have tried several different fbx settings for each version of my tests.  I have chosen binary 2011, binary 2012 and binary 2014.  Reallusion recommends binary 2011 for iClone 6.  I have iClone 7. The previous successful exports were to iClone 7.

    I always tick figures, props, animations and morphs on the left side.

    On the right I tick Embed Textures, Collect Textures to folder.  I have tried Merge Clothing Into Figure Figure Sskeleton on and off.
    I believe that I have tried these on and off, but I am not sure that I tried every combination - Allow Degraded Skinning, Allow Degraded Scaling and SubD Information

    Morph Export Rues are 0 head. Ignore and Final Anything Bake - I had these when I successfully exported from 4.9. 
    My Microsoft Surface had a default one in there  1 .CTRLVS Export, so I added that to my desktop export rules, but my export still failed.

    I am happy to try anything else that you think might work.



  • Issue 3643

    "Convert to non-standard rig is not working anymore"


    This is a  known issue, and above is from the Reallusion bug tracker.  I have the same issue.

    Same model exported to FBX and imported into 3dxchange 6 works but in 7 it doesn.t


  • When I use fbx export from DAZ 4.10 on my desktop, the resulting file causes 3DX to crash.  I never get to the assign bones stage at all.
    When I use fbx export from DAZ 4.10 on my microsoft surface, then copy the fbx and the folder with images to my flash drive, then to my desktop, then import that into 3DX, it works.

    There is something different between my desktop install and the install on my Surface.  I just don't know where to look or how to fix it.



  • PadonePadone Posts: 3,804

    You can try by converting the fbx trought the free Autodesk fbx viewer. It may fix any non-standard glitches. I did resolve some issues with Blender this way with fbx exported from other programs. May be this works with 3DX too. Please let me know if this works or not. Good luck.

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