How to remove all animation from all frames?

In DS4.10.0.122 I want to remove all the animation from all frames whilst ensuring that the character as posed in the first frame (frame 0) remains unchanged. Is that possible?


  • Does Edit>Figure>Clear Animation do what you want?

  • IsaacNewtonIsaacNewton Posts: 1,300

    Alas no. You would think it should; I mean "Clear Animation" should mean... well, clear the animation, but apparently it doesn't.

    That option brings up a menu with exactly the same options as Edit>Figure>Zero  except the word "zero" has been replaced by "Clear"; however the actions seem to be identical to the Zero actions. I just want to clear the animation information from the scene, not zero the figure. I want the figure to retain the pose it has in frame 0.



  • You could save a single-frame pose/shaping/properties preset, clear the animation data, and apply the preset. Copy and paste might also work.

  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621

    You have to first memorize figure, then choose clear animation/clear figure, after that you can restore the figure at frame 0.

  • IsaacNewtonIsaacNewton Posts: 1,300

    You have to first memorize figure, then choose clear animation/clear figure, after that you can restore the figure at frame 0.

    That did the trick. Thanks :)

  • I have struggled with this same thing. There are posts all over the place about not being able to clear just the animations. Thanks for providing an answer. This may give me some new motivation to try to use animations in Daz Studio.

    Now, if someone could explain why the figure ends up with invisible keys in my animations that I can't see or remove from keymate or the timeline ... well, that is for another thread I guess.

  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621

    I have struggled with this same thing. There are posts all over the place about not being able to clear just the animations. Thanks for providing an answer. This may give me some new motivation to try to use animations in Daz Studio.

    Now, if someone could explain why the figure ends up with invisible keys in my animations that I can't see or remove from keymate or the timeline ... well, that is for another thread I guess.

    Try rightclick in the preview window and select all, that should make all keyframes visible. Some nodes might be locked, with all selected go to edit/figure/lock/unlock selected nodes or edit/object/lock/unlock selected nodes. Then you can delete the keyframes in the timeline by clicking the -button.

  • Thanks Sven! I'll give that a try when I do my next animation.

    I am going to create another thread so I don't completely hijack this one. 


  • xXQuatroXxxXQuatroXx Posts: 173

    There is a really simple trick you can do in Daz Studio.

    • Set total keyframe to 1
    • save it (perhaps give it another name)
    • Close Daz Studio
    • Then re-open Daz with the newly saved file.

    BANG! all keyframes gone. Repose character ( s ) if needed by going to: 

    Edit > Figure > Zero > Zero Figure Pose

    And you good to go again!

    Good luck!

  • At least as of 4.14 you no longer have to close Daz Studio. Simply reloading the file after setting number of frames to 1 is enough to clear the keyframes.

  • FezzikFezzik Posts: 5

    Thanks Sven - That did the trick...


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