problem with G8F open mouth

I'm getting white noise dots when rendering G8F with an open mouth. I don't have this problem with G3F. I even increasing my rendering time by a factor of 4 and I am still getting with dot noise in a G8F open mouth.


  • Where? On the skin or inside the mouth?

  • Inside the mouth. I rendered a G3F and G8F character side by side and the G8F character had white noise dots inside the mouth -- the way you see if a render ends much too early while the G3F character did not. I even tried upping the rendering time from 7200 seconds to 30000 seconds and still the same problem.

  • They could also be fireflies due to too much glossiness for the lighting if they are white dots - noise woudl tend to be diffrent levels, not just white. Please post a pair of renders showing the effect.

  • It's more noticeable when the mouth is open (on the right) but even if the mouth is closed, it is still there --> ; ... this does not happen with G3F characters.

    1911 x 1000 - 2M
  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    The teeth or lips may have a very high reflection value or even have metalicity (spelling?) set.

  • Well, the inner mouth (and in the eyes) certainly looks like poor convergence - the more scattered white dots around the mouth could be fireflies. The diffrence between the default shadres probably explains why it affects only the Genesis 8 figures, but other than adjusting the shadrs to match those on Genesis 3 I'm not sure what to suggest.

  • The eyes on the right face are suppose to be like that but the eyes on the left one have those dots.

    So, how / where do I adjust the shaders?

  • In the Surfaces pane, selecting the surfaces affected (you can select all Skin surfaces at once, for example, to adjust values on them).

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,878
    Are you using Spectral Rendering? If so, turn that off. That fixed similar problems for me.
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