Lighting issues

Hey everyone, 

I'm currently working on a scene (please see attached pic). I've used this set before (Cafeteria Eating Area) but for some reason, the lighting seems very unbalanced. I don't think the set comes with any lights so the only lighting is coming from the sky dome. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to improve it? 


current scene with boy added.jpg
949 x 759 - 550K


  • that dose not look like skydome lighting as it seems to bright in the left side of the image.

  • I'm making an interior scene so what your seeing is the the sky dome as it's being seen from inside the set.

  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621

    Is your camera headlamp on?

  • to make a point here the head lamp dose affect the scene but not to that degree and if the sky dome is the only thing in the scene then why is it too bright it should be a lot darker.

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