How to unparent items and keep them from moving

I buy Daz stuff to use in iClone but the FBX of parented items is very ill-behaved. They act as if they are unparented, and often times this means they move way away from where they ought to be. You can see this same effect in Daz by just unparenting things that certain folks have created (right now I'm using Suburban Mall by Bastion, but I've seen this behavior in a LOT of Daz stuff -- not all, but a lot).
If I go into the children items and unparent them inside of Daz, they move away from where they should be. This is exactly what happens when I export as FBX. I *can* export as OBJ and this won't happen, but OBJ export has textures messed up.
Any idea on how to fix this? The fix would be to somehow unparent items in Daz and let them inherit their parent's transformation (as you can do in other software).
Actually, as it turns out it's an animation problem -- when I clear animation the items change position (even though, as far as I know, there is no animation in the scene). What I need to do is clear the animation and keep it at the same position. Any ideas?