Partial repetitive motion blur

I'd like to create in DS that comic effect you get when a character moves only part of his body in a repetitive matter. For example, a court judge slamming his hammer repeatedly on his desk, calling to order, or a boxer punching a sandbag in rapid motions. In such pictures, the body remains in place and only a member is in motion. Any suggestions?
Depends what render engin you want to use. 3Delight has built in motion blur, found in rendertab/advanced options. And there are some Iray products in the store. Or you can do it in an image editor like PS or Gimp.
Basically go to the timeline and make a short (5-15 frames) animation moving only the part you want to blur. Then render either a still using motion blur and experiment with settings to find the right amount, or render your animation as an image series and import them into your img editor and stack as layers. Play with opacity and layer settings.