Several different versions of blMilGirlPT.obj ??

Returning to Poser after a decade out of CAD, I've been collecting modern figures etc for P11Pro between trawling my P4 archives.

Some of the 'classic' clothes & characters are PCF or RTE encoded, rely on having the necessary original file. Unfortunately, it looks like there may be several versions of those. For instance, there are at least two blMilGirlPT.obj versions about, variously dated 12 and 31 July 2001. 

My Win10 says the 12 July's CRC32 checksum is F218D38F, but that version will not work for several RTE encoded figures.

If any-one has MilGirl handy, could they please check her date stamp and CRC ??

Former with eg WordPad or Notepad, latter with FileExplorer, CRC SHA...

Thank you.



  • pwiecekpwiecek Posts: 1,582
    edited December 2017

    I have found that at least one version of one of those programs is case sensetive with regards to the name of the seed file.

    Post edited by pwiecek on
  • SixDsSixDs Posts: 2,384
    edited December 2017

    Yes. I have run into similar problems with RTE encoded files for Aiko 3 as well. As you say, the seed file must match perfectly to that used in the encoded file, or no go. Unfortunately, unless you happen to have multiple copies of the same figure in your archives that correspond to those the decoder demands, you are out of luck. Even if someone else has the version that you require and you have a legitimate license for the figure, they are not permitted to share since redistribution is prohibited.

    BTW, the date stamp seems to change every time DAZ has repackaged those figures over the years for distribution. For example, the copy of blMilGirlPT.obj that is currently in my content library was manually placed there by extracting it from the .zip archive package from DAZ, rather than using one of the earlier Bitrock installers. The date stamp on that copy of the object is December 30, 2015, obviously long after it was first created, and still yields the same CRC32 checksum (F218D38F) that you have found for versions date and time stamped far earlier. So the data in the file obviously has not changed in years, and that makes perfect sense, but the file metadata obviously has and that is what the RTE decoder seems to be hung up on. If you knew exactly what the RTE decoder was looking for and could edit the metadata to correspond, that might work, but I haven't tried that myself.

    Post edited by SixDs on
  • nikkellynikkelly Posts: 33
    edited December 2017

    Many thanks to patient pwiecek who has discovered there are three (!!!) versions of  blMilGirlPT.obj with different CRC32 check-sums.

    Much appreciated !!

    Post edited by nikkelly on
  • pwiecekpwiecek Posts: 1,582

    blMilGirlPT had a problem with displaced vertices in the thighs (I think). I found a fix somewhere, but if you apply it, it changes the mesh.

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