DForce Weightmap issue (Solved)

So I'm attempting to make an outfit into a DForce compatible one. I'm following Mada's DForce Weightmaps Tutorial and I'm stuck at the point where you add a DForce weightmap and make a map out of an unused one. Every tutorial I'm finding, when you have the dForce Modifier Weight node selected, it allows you to click on the drop down meny for unused maps, but mine remains grayed out and won't allow me to do anything, so I end up unable to go further. I'm using the exact outfit that Mada has used in her tutorial, so it isn't a matter of the outfit being the problem. I have all of the same settings in place that she does. I've gone back over the tutorial at least twenty times to see if I'm missing something. I sincerely hope that someone has an idea why this isn't working and that I'm hopefully just overlooking something super simple because of being tired.
I attached a picture reference.

Did you turn the shirt into a dynamic surface yet?
It hasn't mentioned that step in the tutorial for dForce, so is it necessary? If so, how would I go about that?
Ignore my last comment. I found it, thanks to your reminder of making it a dynamic surface first. Thank you SO much. I figured it had to be something simple I was overlooking :D