Importing content after format

Hello everyone,
I've recently formated my PC and backed up all my DAZ content so I wouldn't have to redownload everything. How do I make the DIM and Daz Studio to recognize that content as already installed? I looked up old solutions, but it seems the manifests are not handled in the same way anymore...
Thanks in advance
For DIM content the manifests are handled as before. Had you previously used a different folder, if you've copied the old stuff across but it isn't being seen?
I didn't copy the folders from C:
My library was on a different partition H:/DAZ and on the new system is E:/DAZ. I remapped the instalation and download paths accordingly on DIM, but it seems the manifests are stored in a sepparate folder on C: is that correct?
Yes, if you hadn't overridden the location (by editing the .ini file, it can't be done from within DIM) they are in the Manifests folder in the Daz Install Manager folder in your Public Documents folder. They do store the absolute path installed to, including the drive letter, so you'd need to edit them or just tell them in prfrences to use the new install location instead of updating to the original location (which is OK as long as no files are renamed or removed). You will also have lost he CMS database, unless you copied C:\Users\YOU\AppData\Roaming\Daz 3D\cms
IT WORKED! Thanks a lot!
EDIT: But now my shaders presets don't work D=
Generic shaders, or materials for a particular set? For shaders, you are selecting the model and the surfaces?
I figured it out. I didn't have the metadata for the shaders (even iRay uber base wouldn't load). I had to manually fix it in settings... One non related thing though, why do the perspective view and cameras headlamps appear on render even when on auto with light sources on the image? I'm having to turn off and it's impossible to preview on the perspective viewport without a headlamp ruining the lighting
If you turn off Preview Lights (cmd/ctrl L, or look in the Window menu) you will get a pseudo headlamp that won't render. The headlamp will turn off only for actual light nodes, not for the HDR environment or for emissive surfaces.
Great, thanks!