Strange looking iray textures

Hey, I have this weird issue. When my DStudio used to open up it loaded a default figure, which I assume is genesis 3 female. The entire skin textures of it looked very off though, no skin tone, almost like a mannequin shiny look. But I still have this problem with other figures if I use any iray preset (see attachment). 

In edit mode, the skin looks weird, in rendered mode it looks just extremely colorless and lifeless. I tried to use the default iray shader first, then applying the iray texture presets but that didn't seem to have much effect.

Also, if you have any tips & tricks to make hair look better and puffy, please do share.

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  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    Can you post the scene tab of that figure, or maybe a screenshot of what figure you are laouading?

    DAZ Studio has no default figure, just a bunch of Genesis figures that come free with the program. Also, only Genesis 3 and Genesis 8 have Iray textures; what you are describing as first problem sounds like you loaded a figure that has 3 Delight textures.

    as for your second problem, I'd also need more information.

    And just for the record: You are using DAZ Studio Version 4.10? Or an older version?

  • CamthaleonCamthaleon Posts: 39
    edited December 2017

    Hi Bee, 

    Thanks for your reply. 

    I was unable to recreate the first issue since I disabled the load figure in preferences. However, it basically looked the same as attachment (full figure). As you can see it looks as if she's wrapped in plastic. The figure here is Genesis 3, using Finley. 

    For the hair, I've seen examples of people making really nice looking realistic hair using Daz. In my case, it looks too much like straw strands. Is that to do with the lighting? Or hair properties?

    I'm using Daz Studio 4.9.

    Image removed

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    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    If you are referring to how the character looks before rendering, that is normal. The preview mode doesn't properly understand Iray textures. Once you render, she'll look better. I thought you had the problem in renders, sorry for the misunderstanding.

    Since you're using G3, most of them load the proper Iray textures, but there's a thing you need to watch out for: the very earlierst characters have a texture setting that contains too much blue, compared to later figures. The reason for that is that Iray originally interpreted Subsurface settings the wrong way, and when nVidea fixed that, and most earlier G3 characters look paler than they should, unless the skin shader was updated by the vendor. Check out this thread:

    You can check in the surface tab if the skin uses old or new settings (see below)

    (Image lifted from: )

    Another huge factor is light. For example, if you change the render setttings from Dome&Scene to Sun&Sky, the skin will look different from the default HDRI.

    As for hair... that is a science to itself. If you have an "older" hair made for 3Delight, using one of the conversions like UHT on it helps. There are several good products that add better opacity maps and proper settings to the hair. It still falls flat when the hair is modelled for 3Delight, and not Iray; not enough layers and the skull will shine through.

    The other problem is that a lot of hair in the shop simple doesn't look realistic in Iray, no matter what you do.



  • Thanks. I thought it was some kind of bug. But if it's normal it looks that way in preview mode then OK. I'll play a bit more with the dials.

    Also thanks for the info on hair. I have the Fur addon and it's really fantastic. But it takes a while to shape it so I prefer to use already made hair sets.

  • I thought it was some kind of bug. But if it's normal it looks that way in preview mode then OK.

    Keep in mind that the Viewport is driven by a separate render engine, OpenGL, which is very much dependent on the capabilities of your graphics card. The other render engines DAZ|Studio uses, 3Delight and Iray, have many features OpenGL doesn't, so the Viewport can't show 3Delight or Iray materials properly. You can switch the Viewport to use a simplified Iray preview, but this is quite slow (can take several seconds to build the Viewport image) so it's not suitable for regular working on your scene.

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