FBX export changes?

Has there been changes in the way DAZ exports FBX data or maybe in the rigging system or something, in the new DAZ 4.10.x release?
When I last exported an FBX with animation from DAZ to 3ds Max, it worked perfectly. That was more than a year ago using 4.8. Yesterday I tried to export an FBX with animation again, using 4.10, and it comes out weird in 3ds Max. The bones doesn't work properly anymore and after a good while of struggling, only some of the parts seem to animate. A walk animation looks like a person in a T-pose trying to roller-blade.
I'm going re-install 4.8 this evening and try again to determine whether it's potentially an issue with DAZ. I imported the old, previous FBX with which I tried it the first time, and that one imports and works perfectly. Just when I try now, using all kinds of different settings, methods and FBX versions, they all either come out with the T-pose rollor-blader or no animation at all. I even scoured the internet for different ways to go about it and I do everything exactly like everyone else is. By all counts, it should work, except that it doesn't.
Anyone perhaps have idea or advice on this? If I'm still struggling tonight with the 4.8 version, then I'll record a video to illustrate my issue.
Yes, there have been some chnages to the FBX exporter - see the Change Log http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/software/dazstudio/4/change_log#private_channel
I tried 4.8 last night and I got the same issues as I did with 4.10, so I played around with some things again. It turns out, the "morphs" option is what causes the problems. If you untick the morphs option, then it works perfectly. I'm not sure why that would cause a problem. I'll do some more tests tonight with 4.8, then switch to 4.10 again and try with that to see if I get similar results.
Hi Richard,
Thanks for the information. I'm still on 4.9 and don't want to break my workflow to Cinema 4D. So I will make a test with 4.10 on my laptop before I upgrade on my main computer.
system restore can be your friend otherwise
rightclicking on the FBX dll and choosing a previous version is one solution since one cannot legally edit or share a previous version.
I need to do this often with a Hitfilm dll Windows updates likes to remove, in that case I create a dummy file in notepad and replace it otherwise I need to uninstall and reinstall Hitfilm, this is easier.
It will work for any folder or file you have backed up BTW if you accidentally delete a folder of images etc create a new one rename it the same and restore previous version.
Yopu could isntall the Public beta and try that, without disturbing the 4.9 you regularly use (assuming that isn't a beta).