Questions about clothing following a figure

I've got several questions, maybe someone has answers, or maybe they'll light a bulb over someone's head.
1. One of the annoying things I've noticed is that clothing that follows the figure underneath seems to have no 'zoning' - cloth on a pants leg, for instance, will try to blob out and cover the character's hand if it is resting on the thigh, because it's being told to follow the whole figure, not its body parts. Is there a way to stop this, other than moving the hand so it's not quite in the 'influence zone?'
2. Grafted anatomy or conformed inner layers of clothing don't appear to be included, nor do I see where they can be included, when defining the figure that the outer clothing should follow. So intimate bits poke through, underwear pokes through, a tee-shirt under a dress shirt ... pokes through. Is there a way to select multiple items for an article to follow? Can I select a pair of pants and tell them to follow G3M+Li'lG3M+socks ?
3. Is it possible to build a figure with its 'inner articles' - body, gens, underwear, etc. - and create a shell that outer clothing can follow? Conform a dress to the shell, and the shell mimics the outer surface of G3F, her gens and her underwear?
This is the effect with Smoothing Modifier active go to Parameters pane and switch it Off if you want.
There is only one scene node (Figure or Object) allowed to set as the "Collision Item" in this Smoothing Modifier Property.
There is also the Geometry Shell option but it isnt intended for this because it creates just a Shell for one Node Figure/Object would be great to combine items/Nodes and create a Shell for that.
A workaround: select all - Mesh Resolution: Base - File>Export>OBJ. Then File>Import>OBJ. Collision Item: choose imported Object. This works for the current pose.
My following idea: create a fit Morph to have it on the outer clothes that fit to all other underlying clothes or GeoGrafts.
See this thread for more info on that: How to export only selected clothing as an object in DS
Well, I guess we have our suggestions for the next version of D|S - none of these are really viable options, unfortunately. I use the smoothing modifier for a good reason - shutting it off just means one other aspect of the image that's wrong.
Now, I've seen other sets that, from what I've seen, create a geometry shell of the entire figure including its grafted items. It might be harder to do it with conformed items, since they have backfacing polys and no common edges, but it seems like this should be a project for some handy Daz programmer: combined nodes for smoothing. I can't be the only person who's ever needed this ;) - in fact, it seems like THE most obvious application of the tool, since most of us actually wear multiple layers of clothing on a daily basis - with no poke-throughs! :D
See my recent post on that subject: using Smoothing Modifier as a SrinkWrap
Morph Loader Pro doesn't morph to a shrinkwrap effect???
Some other example and another interesting Morphloader Pro method for "Hulk transformaiton" with the usage of Attenuate By and Reverse Deformation options.
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