Saving Puppeteer Preset without morphs/shaping.

Is there any way to tell puppeteer to save or not save morphs/shaping when saving a Puppeteer Preset? I've noticed character shaping (some morph properties) are saved with the preset regardless of whether I changed that value when making the dot.
I was hoping someone would answer this, but it appears you aren't the only one looking for such a trick...
I don't know the answer, but to prevent this problem, I've taken to creating puppeteer 'dots' that carefully only record the state of a figure that I've explicitly changed from a zero pose. Zero-d states in DS are 'magic', in that they are generally ignored when saving things (only non-zero-d state things are recorded in a save-file), so using this logic, I zero my figure, and carefully change only things that I want in a given puppeteer pane (e.g. eyes, eyelids, and brows in one panel). I never move/translate or pose the figure when doing facial tweeks, and likewise, I'm careful not to let pose/motion puppeteer panels include any facial settings (e.g. zero the entire head before setting your dot, if you are not sure if a pose has set anything in the head.)
The big idea is to only set a dot with elements that you want that panel to control, and understand that there a lot of ways to pollute a dot by accident. If you do 'pollute' a dot, you can zero your figure, use the dot preview to 'set' the figure to its (polluted) setting, clear the stuff you don't want in that figure's pose/morph setting, then re-edit/set the dot with the newly fixed state. If you have keymate/graphmate, you can find, verify, and clear stray settings by similarly previewing the dot on a zero-d figure, and looking at the graphmate or keymate results/settings at that point and fix/reset the dot once it's correct.
ETA: I don't know if you could hand-edit a puppeteer panel duf file and remove/clear those things you don't want. Maybe someone else has tried this?
hope this helps,