Looping animations

I'm having trouble working out what to do here because I'm a bit thick. I'm making animation loops and I can't work out is how to correctly do it. I dot the pose in pupetteer at frame 0 and apply that pose at frame 100. But this means my character will be in this position for 2 frames, which will surely gives me a tiny, almost imperciptible delay between the end and start positions. I suppose what I want is for frame 75 to interpolate to frame 0. How can I do this? Just removing the keyframe at frame 100 results in the animation stopping from 75 onwards (the previous key) until it gets back to 0.
Can somebody advise me on this please?
With Animate2, The last frame is not taken into consideration. In Loops, First Frame = Last Frame. Frame0 = Frame100 . (Total Frames=100), You Loop, 0-99, 100-199,200-299, etc. KeyFrame0 = KeyFrame100=KeyFrame200=KeyFrame300,
or scripts