Actor Tab

Having read enough discussions, I realize that I am not the only one to have problems with the "ACTOR" tab. I loaded Daz onto a brand new laptop and everything was fine. The Actor tab was there. The disaster occured after I added an external runtime. The runtime itself was set up correctly. Everything worked fine and I could load content from my Daz library and my new runtime and the actor tab was there until I shut off the computer. When I fired it back up, I had to remap the Daz content library but the external runtime was fine and everything loaded okay. I thought that everything was fine until I loaded a Genesis figure and in the parameters and the shaping tab the was no Actor tab. I tried uninstalling Daz and reloading it but still no Actor Tab. I then uninstalled Daz using the DIM program and then pulled up the c: drive and did a search for anything DAZ. I then manually deleted every file, folder and item that showed Daz in the name. I reloaded Daz and loaded Victoria 5 and low and behold, in the paramaters tab, there was the actor tab.

Question: This is the second time that I've set up an external runtime and the second time that I've lost the actor tab after doing so. The external runtime was on my desktop both times and I'm wondering if the runtime location was a problem. I used DIM to reload all of my content but a lot of it is missing like Genesis 2 male and female. It doesn't show up in the smart content or the content library tab. The las time that this happenned I wound up uninstalling and reinstalling content and this worked but is very time consuming.

I'm working on a Dell Inspiron 17-5765 5000 with 16 Gigs of Ram and 2400 MHZ processor speed. Windows 10 operating system.


  • I'm not sure what you mean by an Actor tab - the group in the Parameters pane that holds the shaping controls? That might be down to losing the connection with the CMS (the PostgreSQL database) - were Smart Content and Categories working?

  • Hey, thanks for the quick response. You are right. It is the actor tab in the parameters pane that woud not show up. This is the second time that this has happened to me and on two different computers. Both times it was after I added an external runtime.
    After uninstalling Daz and reinstalling it the actor tab still did not show up in the parameters pane. Thats's when I uninstalled Daz and went through the "C" drive and manually deleted everything Daz.  When I reloaded Daz again, the actor tab did show up but the only way I could load anything genesis was through Daz Connect. When I checked out the c:\users\public\public documents\my Daz 3d library some of my content was there but nothing genesis. For chuckles, I download the content manually, unzipped the files and loaded them manually and now they all show up in the smart content perfectly.

    I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong when I add my external runtimes. both times I've had to remap the users public folder after using the external runtime. Question: If the problem were with the PostgreSQL ddabase shouldn't I get and error message? Also How would I correct the CMS problem? If I have you totally confused at this point I can sure understand it.


  • Adding a new content directory certainly shouldn't interfere with existing diectories, if that is what you were saying. As for a CMS error, that would depend - not being able to connect would throw an error, but connecting to a database that said the wrong thing (or at least, that didn't match the locations of the files on disc) wouldn't usually throw an alert as DS and/or the CMS wouldn't know the locations were not intentionally wrong.

  • Is there a way to redirect the CMS.

    Everything is working okay now. All of my content is showing up and loading perfectly but just in case.

  • What do you mean by redirect?

  •   You said "but connecting to a database that said the wrong thing (or at least, that didn't match alert as DS and/or the CMS wouldn't know the locations were not intentionally wrong."  I guess that what I'm trying to say is what database should it be connecting to.

    Everything is working perfectly on my two new computers now so I'm a happy old camper.

    There are times when I yearn for the good old days when you had to write a batch file every time you added a new program. There was a real sense of being in control of your computer.

  • Ah, I meant if the database that it connects to (which is used for storing the details of content installed via DIM and Connect, and for locally saved content) has oncorrect information - I wasn't meaning there was a choice of databases.

  • I have everything Daz working perfectly on two computers but no actor tab showing up in old clunky, my computer that is about to die, so I'm a happy camper.

  • deuf91410deuf91410 Posts: 0

    salut j'ai un probleme avec acteur quand je bouge la sourie pour faire des reglage de actore je voit plus mon actore normalemant

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