Creating a Rim Light around a DAZ Character

Hey, I am trying to create a RIM light around a DAZ character but it is not working.

Here is the light settings of the light in DAZ Studio (rim-a & rim-b because I had to scroll to get all the settings).

How do I get a rim light to work?

365 x 664 - 37K
368 x 682 - 38K


  • Where is the light? If you render the figure from behind is it being lit at all? If not it may be that the light is facing the wrong way (since double-sided is off), is too far away, or is not aimed correctly. If so then you just need to experiment with the position until the lit area is just wrapping around onto the visible sections of the model, but is mostly on the areas that are facing away from the camera. Also, make sure that the other lights in the scene aren't swamping the effect.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333
    edited December 2017

    Where is the light? If you render the figure from behind is it being lit at all? If not it may be that the light is facing the wrong way (since double-sided is off), is too far away, or is not aimed correctly. If so then you just need to experiment with the position until the lit area is just wrapping around onto the visible sections of the model, but is mostly on the areas that are facing away from the camera. Also, make sure that the other lights in the scene aren't swamping the effect.

    OK, I have attached the render to 77% to show what I mean. I also attached a screen shot of the viewport with the 'halo' light that I am trying to use to make that rim light 'halo' effect like portrait studio do. I have it set to point at a DAZ primitive cylinder that is only about 2mm long and has a transparency cutout supplied (actually a frost shader via a preset for the 'Let It Snow' product in the DAZ Store).

    Also, when I use the dForce on the dress she is wearing for some reason the right sleeve (the one that is supporting the baby's head) instead of falling down to the floor is falling away from the baby even though I made the baby and it's blanket invisible in the viewport / scene (but not with the Visible in Render button on the dForce settings). 


    No halo rim light. I want to make a glow around the halo & head & shoulder area of the mother and child.

    In an effort to make the halo glow I did set it up as an emmisive light with crazy power (100K) and 2000K temperature & the light colors pale yellow. That emissive cylinder is between the halo disk light & the mother & child.

    Scene Viewport with Rim Halo light selected.png
    1913 x 1045 - 196K
    Madonna and Child.png
    3840 x 3840 - 6M
    Post edited by nonesuch00 on
  • Ah, you want translucency (or possibly to make the surface emissive).

    You've made the baby not Visible in Simulation?

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    Ah, you want translucency (or possibly to make the surface emissive).

    You've made the baby not Visible in Simulation?

    Yes, the baby & blanket were made invisible in the viewport but not the simiulation settings. I will simulate again with the baby & blanket invisible also in the simulation settings too.

    The 'emssion' on the cylinder wasn't being 'glowy' unless I used bloom filter so I turned it off and am only use disk photometric light for the rim now.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333
    edited December 2017

    Well I've got a vague analogy to halo lighting after dorking around with light settings, positions, and stuff so I will be done with it for now. Basically I had to create 'fake atmospheric haze' for the light to scatter in. I had hoped for something much less compute intensive.


    Post edited by nonesuch00 on
  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    Try turning on Bloom in the render settings.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333
    edited December 2017
    jestmart said:

    Try turning on Bloom in the render settings.

    Yes, thanks.

    I have done that but it's difficult to find a bloom setting when CPU rendering that is not too much bloom (subjectively) but I did find one I think is not too much. SickleYield also has a turorial for creating GodRays so I adapted that to create atmospheric dust effect so that the bloom is more obvious. Those do make the render go much slower though, however I wanted to learn techniques that don't involve postprocessing.

    I think I will buy the external iRay GodRays product tomorrow if it's still on sale in the Fast Grab sale for future renders. 

    Post edited by nonesuch00 on
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