No Genesis 8 Female in Scene Identification > Preferred Base

Trying to fit Candy Dress for G3F to VYK Chloe for G8F. Following SickleYield's tutorial, but GF8 doesn't appear as an option when I click the ellipsis beside Preferred Base.
Tried reinstalling G8F and Chloe, but no luck. (DS 4.10, Win 10.) Any suggestions?
Are you sure the Content Management System is running? Do you have entries in the Smart Content pane, or under Categories in the Content Library pane?
I do have entries in the Smart Content pane and under Categories in the Content Library pane, so I presume CMS is running. Is there a way to switch it off and back on?
I did have a while when the base Genesis 8 Female wasn't showing up in the CMS, though the male was. If you show the Figures category (in Smart Content's Files tab) and type Base in the filter box do you see Genesis 8 Female?
No, I don't.
OK, try uninstalling and reinstalling Genesis 8 Starter Essentials (or the Female version if using DIM).