Visemes okay to use in facial pose set?

Are visemes acceptable in facial pose sets? I am assuming (?) these come free with daz studio, so if I want to use an EE pose for example to make the mouth form a pose this is acceptable to save as a pose preset?


  • they may be acceptable but whether it is good practice is another matter

    for static poses it is less of an issue but a series of poses tweened in an animation with lipsync it could cause conflicts, not saying will and the likelihood of someone using any in an animation is slim but still something to bear in mind.

    I myself dislike pose sets that radically alter visemes and yes have encountered some, I sometimes tween two poses for a facial closeup with lipsync or Mimic and indeed use expression poses to remove any deadpan looks.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    Interesting. Well, I'm really only focused on static poses for now but I really appreciate your expertise on animation angle.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    The visemes oftem make better expressions than the expressions do.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    I am finding these to be true as they are less extreme. I have picked up facial poses which use visemes but have not delved into it yet. Posing the mouth differently using the dials is somewhat limited. Frankly I can’t get much movement out of the tongue as it doesn’t cooperate much at all though I have tried. So using visemes seemed an interesting option

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    I am finding these to be true as they are less extreme. I have picked up facial poses which use visemes but have not delved into it yet. Posing the mouth differently using the dials is somewhat limited. Frankly I can’t get much movement out of the tongue as it doesn’t cooperate much at all though I have tried. So using visemes seemed an interesting option

    The tongue is so important but every time I've tried to use it, well just once really, it's looked awful; e.g. the cop or waitress writing a ticket some people touch the tip of the pen or pencil to their tongue before they start writing but it just didn't look like a tongue. It was a bit to red, not bumpy enough, and those sorts of things.

  • most tongue poses seem to centre around licking and sucking things

    like a lollipop?

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    Heh heh. I was trying for the lick lips or typical tongue out while performing a task kinda thing. I have not given up, but I wonder if I have a morph which is preventing it from going out far enough to be seen!

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333
    th3Digit said:

    most tongue poses seem to centre around licking and sucking things

    like a lollipop?

    What I managed would of worked for a Charms sucker. laugh

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