When I buy a Newer Computer... how do I transfer all my Content to new?

If I get a new computer with i7 CPU, Newer Graphics card and More System RAM, can i intall all my content by re-downloading using install Manager?


  • Yes, or via Connect (for content available that way). Doing either will ensure theya re added to the CMS database.

    Also, on your old system, go to the Content Library pane's option menu (the lined button in the top corner, or right-click the tab), select Content DB Maintenance, check Export User Data, and click Accept - then copy the user data files from the /Runtime/Support folder in your first Daz Studio content directory to the equivalent location on the new machine, reopen the Content DB Maintenance dialogue, this tiem check Reimport Metadata, and in the next dialogue check only User data - that will reload your custom categories and the data for your saved files (which you will need to copy across, of course).

  • Thanks, I really Appreciate it.!!!


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