Create a mannequin like featureless face

Hi all,
Im hoping someone can help me with this. I am trying to create a mannequin like featureless face on figures. Anyone know how to go about it? I am a complete newbie with daz so forgive my ignorance. Thanks in advance!
Post edited by rolffimages_582e90a461 on
Are you using 3DL or Iray? How featureless do you want them to be? Just removing the texture or smoothing away the nostrils, ears, eyelids?
There are some products in the store that might help you if you want a very specific style of look.
The best way would be with a geograft. This one that RHA suggested has a geograft:
Thank you both for your replies! I looked at them but they are not quite the effect I am looking for. I want a completely smooth surface that is absolutely featureless. Not looking for a spooky/horror effect. Its really a surreal look I am going for. Is there a way I can create the morph myself perhaps? Please forgive my lack of knowledge. I only am just begining to understand morphs and daz itself.
Also what is a geograft?
A geograft is an add-on item which completely replaces a part of your figure.
For example in the mannequin pack mentioned you have several geografts to remove the limbs: simply setting a limb transparent would leave a hole in the mesh, but the geograft actually replaces the limb by a "closed area".
Thank you Leana! I was thinking perhaps I could smooth the face in hexagon or another 3D program. What do you think? Sculptris perhaps?