Problems with Reflective Radiance for 3Delight

I'm having some trouble rendering scenes with Reflective Radiance, this costs many minutes, is some problem with the TIFF format, I tried to locate the problem but I could not
Rendering in 3Delight
Compiling Shaders - 0/1
Rendering Image
3Delight message #4 (Severity 1): C:/Users/Guilherme/Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Daz Connect Library/data/cloud/1_13176/Runtime/Textures/Marshian/Reflective Radiance for 3Delight/RR3 MAR Red.tif : TIFFFetchNormalTag : Incompatible type for "RichTIFFIPTC"; tag ignored (in shader 'DAZ/Uber/light/omUberEnvironment2' on object 'shapematerial_Painting_01Frame_1466_4c4')
3Delight message #4 (Severity 2): C:/Users/Guilherme/AppData/Roaming/DAZ 3D/Studio4/temp/d12_i13RE_MonitorScreen.tdl : C:/Users/Guilherme/Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Daz Connect Library/data/cloud/1_13176/Runtime/Textures/Marshian/Reflective Radiance for 3Delight/RR3 MAR Red.tif : Can not read tiles from a stripped image (in shader 'dzplastic' on object 'shapematerial_screen_1291_384')
3Delight message #4 (Severity 2): C:/Users/Guilherme/AppData/Roaming/DAZ 3D/Studio4/temp/d2_i13LO_Wood_H.tdl : C:/Users/Guilherme/Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Daz Connect Library/data/cloud/1_13176/Runtime/Textures/Marshian/Reflective Radiance for 3Delight/RR3 MAR Red.tif : Can not read tiles from a stripped image (in shader 'dzplastic' on object 'shapematerial_Desk_Wood_1411_460')
I think that is the image loaded into the UE2 color slot in the parameters pane/light. It's the TIFF format causing it. Convert the image to png or jpeg and the error message should go away. But it's rendering anyway, right?
Yes, it works, but the rendering time increases a lot.
if the program understands that only TIF is usable, the png format is like nonexistent
could not find file: Runtime/Textures/Marshian/Reflective Radiance for 3Delight/RR3 MAR Yellow.tif
There are only TIFFs provided by Marshian unfortunately, you will have to open the TIFF file in an image editor like PhotoShop or Gimp(free) and save it as a png.
That's exactly what I did, I've seen people with the same problem (but not the same product), and their problem has been solved.
Did converting to png fix this problem for you with Reflective Radiance? I brought up this same "Can not read tiles from a stripped image" issue when Reflective Radiance first came out but the only response was that it didn't occur in testing. Yet, even on my new PC with the latest Daz Studio I'm still getting this error with this product.
Ok sorry did not quit get what you ment, I'll try that myself to see if it works. Meanwhile you can ask him yourself in his thread over here:
I apologize for taking your time anyway, thank you.
Unfortunately no, I tried to change the bits but nothing works
I talked to Marshian, and I'll go over what he told me. It really worked for me.
What actually slows rendering is any texture map used in the opacity channel. To speed up your renderings, try the included presets (with this product) in this order: Lower RR3 4Med Quality, use the default RR3 Occlusion Off, and finally reduce the amount of surfaces using opacity or alpha masks (maps in the opacity channel). You can try all this too. Also try rendering in progressive mode (on the Render Settings tab). Let me know how these work.
No problem at all;) And I usually load a sky dome for outdoor scenes and pop the image into the UE2 color slot which works just fine IMO.
Glad you got it worked out. Barring the errors, this is a great light set for 3Delight.