Scene ID editing help

I found a tutorial on how to transfer clothing and other conforming items back and forth between G3 and G8 by Sickleyield here:
In the tutorial they mention using the Scene Id editor to change the "Preferred Base" of the item in question to which ever figure you are trying to conform to, however when I go to change the "Preferred Base" using the list that should pop up when you click the "..." all I get is an empty window with no list what so ever. I have no clue why that list is empty for me, anybody here have any advise on how I get that list to populate?
As SickleYield said, you need to have the Content Management Service running; if that is running (it would be listed as PostgreSQL in Task Manager on Windows as long as DAZ Studio is also running) it could be that the item doesn't have any metadata in the database, which isn't something I know personally how to do.