Animating light flashing?

Hi Guys,
I don't know if this is possible or not, but I'm trying to create a simple light flashing animation. For example, you have a light bulb and the room is dark, but you have your character turn the light on and the light bulb will them illuminate. Is that possible?
in DAZ studio the best way is probably a ghost light which is a mesh with an iray emission shader and zero cutout opacity
you can key frame the size from zero to the best size to illuminate the scene thus turning it off and on
Easely done in 3delight using the light intensity slider.
Yeah, but I'm using Iray. I was never fond with 3delight....
It sure is!
Yess, that is very useful for sure!
Thanks Agent Unawares, I'll have a look at it. :)
The default DS install resources come with an AniBlock that pulses lights and one that strobes lights. They work with the Free Animate lite that's included in DS. I think they work with any Dz/DAZ lights, which I think work in Iray (other lights may or may-not).
I think they're in the aniBlocks/DS/lights/... folder in the default content library if you want to try them. For me, a distant or spot icon/frame will cycle in the default viewport when I select the light in the scene tab and I float over the aniblock with my mouse. After that it's a function of Animate in your workflow, etc.
Curious if it works in Iray... and if it works with any light (e.g. AoA advanced, or other specialty lights...)