OpenGL Preview Performance


My Specs:
32GB Ram
GTX 1070 (latest Driver)
SSD for System and DAZ3D 4.10

I have a small scene with a G3 model, hair, cloth and props from the starter pack.
When i do a small animation the preview is slowing down during playback. Preview set to Texture Shaded.
Manipulation Binding to Optimized. Preferences -> Display Optimization -> Best
I tried already all other settings. Nothing helps. Smoothing is suspended via script.
During playback system usage -> CPU 18% / Ram 7GB of 32GB / GPU 7% / GPU RAM 2%

When i load more into the scene, the playbacks even slows more down but the system usage didnt go up.

What is the bottleneck of the OpenGL Preview?
All i need is a feedback of the right timing of my animation. The only way to get this, is by switching to Bounding Box Preview.



  • Is this a normal behaviour for a system with my specs? If yes what is the main factor for a better performance
    How can i find out what exactly is slowing down the performance during playback(Polygons/Textures)?
    And is there a way to reduce this temporally for live preview ?

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