viewport glitch

i ran into some odd glitches with dz 4.10
i googled and nothing popped up so it's not very common issue
My figure reverts to base resolution while in parameters is still says high resolution
also iray preview is blurry,kinda like very low res image
are those two thing connected or not?
and are they related to video memory?
Hi, don't worry this is not a glitch this is how DatStudio works.
In the Paramerters go to the Porperty Group: General>Mesh Resolution. There is this setting called Resolution Level maybe it says High Resolution, but that dosnt mean much.
Underneath that you can see the property View SubD Level (also labled SubDivision Level sometimes) and this is the real geomerty resolution that gets showen as the preview in the Viewport as long as you dont use iRay Preview.
Underneath that you can see the property Render SubD Level this is for the Render quality and I think this will be used as the geomerty resolution in the iRay Preview.
This can lead to general confusion and pokethroughs on clothes in render while you dont see them in the preview.
A common rule I can think of is if High Resolution is set - keep the SubDivision Level at a value of 1 or higher. Also keep the Render SubD Level (Minimum) at a value of 1 or higher.
There should be no situation I can think of where View SubD Level and Render SubD Level be at a value of 0. Also the both Properties are somehow connected with eachother - if you set the one to zero it also sets the other to zero - very strange (maybe it was just because I tested this on the Genesis 2 figure can be differ on newer Figures).
But this can for some strange reason happen. One hint is to go into Parameter Settings (left-click the smale gear symbol on the Property) check if use Use Limits is set and also set the Min : Minimum & Default Value to 1.
I wonder why this isnt set by default to Limit Min 1 so you cant drag the slider lower than that value of 1 by default?
After that you still can set the Resolution Level to Base if you have to (export an OBJ-File in Base Geomerty Resolution maybe).
The iRay preview quality has nothing to do with that. This will be allways a bit blurry and low res because its a fast quick&dirty preview mode. To render a real iRay image you have to go to the Render Settings pane set the render engine to NVIDIA iRay and use the toolbar Render Button, the action in the Render main-menu or press Ctrl+R.
BTW I'd like to ask which figure are you using?