Can I use dforce items in the old Dynamic Clothing Control plug-in?

I would really like to get the new product: IDG dForce Dynamics--Scarves and Shawls, but I am not running DS 4.10. I'm not getting it because I have an ancient iMac (ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro 256 MB and only 2 GB of Ram) so I'm nervous about how switching to DS 4.10 will affect my Iray render capabilities. So, you see, no dForce for me. Can I use products that were designed for dForce in the old Optitex Dynamic Clothing Control plug-in? Has anyone tried it?
No dForce needs DS4.10
Oh, dear. Bummer. Thanks for responding, though.
I should have added that the Optitex plug in also will only work with items made for it.
It is possible to use some ordinary clothing with dForce, but occasionally some items will not work ,
You can install the 4.10 beta version side by side with your current version.
I didn't know that. Maybe I'll give it a shot and see how things go. Thanks!
I see. Thanks for the update.