Morph Loader Pro doesn't morph to a shrinkwrap effect???

Hello all! Here again exploring the limits of clothing manipulation in Daz! Let's get to the knitty gritty... :) I am trying to make a fitted shirt or an shirt in obj. to have a slider that morphs the shirt towards a complete shrinkwrap morph made in blender ( ) I can succesfully make Morph Loader Pro accept the morph... But when it's applied the shirt (fitted or as an obj.) deforms and explodes... What am I doing wrong? First, I load a standard G2 female model with no morphs applied and I fit the shirt ( ) Second, I select the fitted shirt and set the resolution level to base, both subdivisions to 0 and select catmull-clark ( ) Third, I export the shirt to be shaped in Blender ( ) Fourth, I reset all the resolution changes of the shirt ( ) Fifth, I export the G2 female as an object to be used as a base in Blender ( ) Sixth, I import both the shirt as an obj. and the G2 female into Blender and apply the shrinkwrap effect on the shirt obj... Then I export it as an obj... This will be the morph ( ) ( ) Seventh, I go back into Daz, select the shirt and open Morph Loader Pro and load the shrinkwrapped shirt obj. and set Yes to reverse deformations... Morphloader recognizes succesfully the shirt obj. and a slider is created in morphs ( ) Eight, when I apply the morph to the shirt... The shirt deforms and explodes! ( ) ( ) I also tried exporting the shirt as an object and applying the morph to the shirt object but the same thing happends... ( ) ( ) Anybody has any idea why Morph Loader Pro accepts the morph but when it's applied it deforms and blows up? How can a shirt be made to morph gradually from normal to a tightwrapped version of it? :/
Post edited by adoniogts on
Something is changing the vertex order - check your import/export settings in Blender. If those are right, and works when you don't use the modifier, then the modifier is reodering the vertices.
Hi, nice try.
And yes you can use the Smoothing Modifier for a Shrink-Wrap but set the Smoothing / Collision Iterations to high values maybe above 20.
LOL exploding mesh this reminds me of my first try with blender - same result.
BTW just set the Resolution Level to Base is enouth I think to export an OBJ with Base Geomerty. The Distortion on the collar & the bow will be the next thing you need to get fixed.
The Morphloader options offers an attenuate setting - with this as I can remember you can select a Weight Map Influence and filter out unwanted shape changes while importing your morph with the precision of a weight map that can be added with a D-Former Influence Field set to weight map influence.
For more information on these methods have a look at the youtube videos that RKane_1 had posted here:
TUTORIAL - Creating a Genesis/G2F/G2M/G3M/G3M Full Body Morph for DAZ Studio Pro 4.6 by RKane_1
Remember there is a bug in blender that forces you to allways check these settings Keep Vert Order and check Poly Groups - and BTW the offered Operator Presets never worked.
With the use of Smoothing Modifier and Convert to SubD you can even fit a Sphere over a Cube. But SubD dosnt help you with the precision of the collison.
You can also use the more advanced modifiers in Blender - if you know how.
Here you can see the settings for the Collision Modifier in Blender. Add it to the Modifier Stack of the Figure G2F and the Cloth object. Then the Figure needs to be set to Rigid Body and the Cloth needs to be set to Collision. The good thing about this is - you can also add a Subdivision Surface Modifier to the Figure and place it on top of the Collision Modifier in the Stack this will force the the Cloth object to collide with the highres Figure geometry underneath.