(solved) Saved character with smile on face, now cannot find how to remove the smile

Okay, I have a scene I saved out with a character in it, standing there with a big smile on his face. The trouble is, this is part of a longer narrative story, and I need to change his facial expression to something else for later scenes.... but all the facial-expression sliders for that loaded character are set to default/zero -- i.e. if in Pose Animate > Posing I go to [Character] ,Head, Pose Controls, Head, Expressions -- and I can't find anything else in various character adjustments controls that looks like it effects facial expressions or mouth adjustments. Did the big smile somehow get baked into my character? oO Where should I look to zero this stuff back out again?
edit: Nevermind, turns out it was part of one of the Show Fangs sliders from a give-your-character-vampire-teeth morphpack, the particular slider made the fangs show by also making the character smile so the fangs stick out. Setting that slider back to 0 returned him to a neutral facial expression, but also made the fangs disappear back inside his mouth. Grrr...
Try Scene tab, head> Pose Controls> Head> Mouth> Mouth Smile.
Click the gear icon, then Parameter Settings, and uncheck the "Use Limits" box.
That will let you set the smile to a negative number, maybe that will let you
dial out the smile but keep the fangs.
There are several smile sliders for you to try.
There's also a Mouth Frown slider that might give you what you want.
Well, before I recreated him in DS (thank you, Facegen Pro! :D ), this character hasn't always been shown with his fangs visible, so no BIG issue here. :)