Resource Error Message

Hello, I have promlems using two products I bought a while ago. It's a pose set by DM
"DM's Sensual Curves" and a light set by Elianeck "Elianeck Dramatic Lights for Iray".
When I try to load the files I get an error message "Resource Error - could not open .....file does not exist"
I tried reinstall and install again several times, but it doesn't fix it...
Please make sure the character is clothed or using Smooth Shaded view in your screen-shot.
How did you install the content? Is it still in its install location or have you moved the files?
Oh sorry for the naked character.....I installed via install manager
I reinstalled and installed again. It doesn't matter what I try it's not fixing it.
I also wonder why there is a message when I ty to load the pose or the light if I would safe the scene...
please see the attaced images
Are you sure you hadn't also installed via Connect, and then removed the files? This certainly seems to be an issue with the database pointing to the wrong location, which can happen that way (DS wil use the Connect install over DIM if it thinks both are present).
Yes, I'm sure. I never used the Connect download.
Then I think you need to open a support ticket - as I said, you aren't the only person to have seen something like this so it may be there is a particular set of circumstances.
Okay, I will do so. Thank you for your help.