How to find updated products

I download products manually, and can't change to the Download Manager since I've done this for years and all my product names have been changed for better filing.

I keep a record of the original names. Now I see that when some products are updated, their file numbers don't change (at least not the ones I've checked so far). There are files inside the zips that have later dates and different file sizes from the ones I've downloaded previously, so they've probably been updated.
Examples: Zev0's Pose Builder for Genesis 3. Its file name/number is unchanged but the files inside have some changes in dates and sizes. And Pose Converter Genesis 2 Female(s) to Genesis 3 Female(s)'s file name/number has not changed but it now has a few additional files inside its zip.
How do we find out about these changes? I've been looking for updated file names' numbers, but now I see that those numbers don't necessarily change. (I've tried searching "list of updated products" in this forum and found nothing). Thanks!


  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,192

    This was one of the major reasons for the download manager. Do you rename the files at download, or after unzipping? Do you keep the downloaded files, or delete them after installing? There's nothing to keep you from using DIM for the downloads and installing manually.

  • You could download with DIM - that way when there's an update you will be told, even if you haven't isntalled. If space is a problem I think update notificatiosn work with the zip removed and only the accompanying .dsx file left.

  • namffuak & Haseltine: Thank you so much for responding!

    I rename the zips after downloading, and organize them into relevant folders. They're all saved, amounting to almost 300GB now, with backups on stored HDs. So it'd kill me to re-DL all of that, whether updated or not.

    I seldom have more than a few unzipped and installed at any one time, except for base characters. My time is short so I never really have any actual projects with lots of props installed.

    So I guess there's no online list of updates, nothing official? Rendero shows update dates in its "Items" list.

    OK, I'm kind of stuck. Let me think this through. Thanks again for your responses!

  • PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,321

    If you're a Prime member, there's this thread that lists updates when they're implemented:

    It's pretty long, but comprehensive.

  • Thanks Petercat! I appreciate you reminding me of that thread. Now that I know my recent attempts were fruitless, due to the fact that the file names don't reflect changes, I guess it's time to start at the beginning over there. Not too terrible, there's a lot to learn in those 67 pages!
    Thanks again!

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,330

    Keep in mind it doesn't show all products that have updates. The best way to know there are updates and available as soon as there is an update is to use DIM. As suggested you can do it as Richard said.

  • You're right. At least it would alert me to newly-updated items as they appear. Every little bit helps. Thanks again!

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