Surface Selection Tool Stopped Working

I don't know what I did, but in one particular scene of mine the surface selection tool has stopped working. It was working fine before, and it works fine in other scenes. Yes, I can go into my scene tab and select items there if I want to make surface changes, but I should be able to highlight them with the tool - but I can't anymore. Thanks for any/all suggestions on what's gone wrong.
Check the icons running down the left edge of the Scene Tab; the "pointer" shows whether or not something is selectable in the Viewport. The pointer and little tick means yes, the pointer and little "x" means no. Click on the icon to switch between yes and no. It's much too easy to do this by accident then not realise what's happening.
Spotted Kitty, you are my Hero of the Day. I wondered what that teeny tiny little checkmark meant. I've clicked it accidentally many times, but always changed it back because I didn't know what it meant. This time, I did it without noticing, and of course it's so small I didn't see it when I tried to figure out what was wrong. THANK YOU!
Like I said, much too easy — I still do it now and then. Glad I could help.