I have created/sculpted about 35 singlular morph dials that I have imported into DAZ Studio. Is there a way that I can save all these single morph dilas at the same time into speparate morph assets. Or will I need to save them one at a time to make sure I can use them separately... I hope I made sense lol. Thank you again. Mickey
When you do File/Save As/Support Asset/Morph Asset, you can put a check mark next to all of your custom morpsh (and only your custom morphs) and save them all at the same time. They will be saved as separate morphs. Exactly what you want, I believe.
You can use "File>Save As>Support Asset>Morph Asset" and select / check all your new morphs. Filling in the Product name is important because this will be the folder in the library you save the seperated morphs to. Then use the file browser and search for the morph files within your DazStudio Library\data\ folder. Just use filesearch and type in some of your morph name. As a result you should see that every morph gets saved as a separated DSF file.
THANK YOU Guys sooo much. Greatly appreciate it.