INJecting Inter-Morph Dependencies in DS

I have a custom face morph for G8M which requires that some third-party morphs from be enslaved to a master dial. I know how to do this via an INJection pose in Poser, but I want my freebie to be DS-compatible, so how do I do the same thing for DS?
If you set up the links using ERC Freeze (set the slave morphs and your morph, with everything else zeroed, right-click and select edit Mode, if it isn't on, right-click on your property and select ERC Freeze) then the links should be set to save with your morph (you can check in the Property Hierarchy pane - right-click on your property again and theer should be a Show in Property Hierarchy option, you can then expand the entries under Sub Components to check the Save With setting) so when you save the scene or use File>Save as>Suport Assets>Morph Asset the relationship will be saved.
Thanks! A couple of the dependent morphs need to go beyond their default limits. Is there a way to automatically adjust those?
if you save a Character preset (and use it to load a new figure, not to modify the existing one) that should preserve the new limits, I think.