Keys not appearing in graphMate

Hi All,

I have graphMate and keyMate installed on my Win7-64 bit PC.

I can see the keyframes for my animation on the DAZ timeline and the keyMate timeline, but no keys appear in graphMate.

Also, I can't add any keys to graphMate, but I can add keys on the DAZ timeline and the keyMate timeline.

I'm working with the latest DAZ Studio

Thanks for any help that anyone can provide.





  • mindsongmindsong Posts: 1,715

    Two things (from memory here...), both are related to what's selected in your scene. 

    If you select your figure/prop and go to the parameters tab and select any slider (as if  you are going to change it), I believe that corresponding key/graph will show up in graphmate.

    If you select part of the animated figure (or all of it?) in the scene tab (expanding and selecting things like 'head' or 'abdomen'), I believe you'll see the key/graphs for those bones.

    It's fiddly, but once you get used to it, it's workable.

    Also, at the top of either keymate of graphmate is a button with three characters on it (TCB or TSV or ...) make sure you select the one with all four characters if you want to see the keys for you morphs (rather than just the bone keys...) Many folks have lost much hair for that silly (wrong) default setting.



  • InkuboInkubo Posts: 745

    Unfortunately GraphMate shows the curve for whatever animatable parameter you last "touched" with the mouse cursor. For this reason you have to lay out your screen so that both GraphMate and the Parameters tab (for example) will be visible at the same time, then scroll to the parameter you want to see and move the mouse cursor over it. Then you must move the mouse sideways to leave the Parameters tab, without grazing any other parameter as you move toward the GraphMate tab. GraphMate does not automatically scroll the selected curve into view, so the panel may still seem to be empty. Zoom out until you find the curve, then zoom back in on it.

    This stuff is a pain, but once you get used to it, GraphMate is a fine tool.

  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837

    "GraphMate does not automatically
     scroll the selected curve into view, 
    so the panel may still seem to be empty. 
    Zoom out until you find the curve, then zoom back in on it.
    This stuff is a pain, but once you get used to it, GraphMate is a fine tool."

    Indeed it is however it would be nice to have
    a "home" or "reset view" button when you pan too far
    and get lost.

  • Thanks for the responses.

    I've tried your suggestions and still I get no keys or curves in graphMate.

    Also, when I load an existing animation that I initially created from the DAZ timeline, it appears on the DAZ timeline and keyMate timeline, but not on the graphMate timeline.

    Just to clarify, I do have the "Listen for parameters from keyMate" and "Listen for parameters from Parameters tab" checked.

    Thanks again for any suggestions you might have.


  • mindsongmindsong Posts: 1,715
    Inkubo said:

    Unfortunately GraphMate shows the curve for whatever animatable parameter you last "touched" with the mouse cursor. For this reason you have to lay out your screen so that both GraphMate and the Parameters tab (for example) will be visible at the same time, then scroll to the parameter you want to see and move the mouse cursor over it. Then you must move the mouse sideways to leave the Parameters tab, without grazing any other parameter as you move toward the GraphMate tab. GraphMate does not automatically scroll the selected curve into view, so the panel may still seem to be empty. Zoom out until you find the curve, then zoom back in on it.

    This stuff is a pain, but once you get used to it, GraphMate is a fine tool.

    I remember that effect too (urg), but I also remember being able to see multple (too many, sometimes) graphs in graphmate by somehow selecting multple things in a different (not in the parameters tab) context. I'll have to go figure out how I did that and report here.

    wolf359 said:

    "GraphMate does not automatically
     scroll the selected curve into view, 
    so the panel may still seem to be empty. 
    Zoom out until you find the curve, then zoom back in on it.
    This stuff is a pain, but once you get used to it, GraphMate is a fine tool."

    Indeed it is however it would be nice to have
    a "home" or "reset view" button when you pan too far
    and get lost.

    man, I have gotten 'lost' a few times, and machine bogs down to complete molassis, and almost any hope of finding 'home' is useless... (save/reload...) - lol - definitely a PITA, that.

    covertd said:

    Thanks for the responses.

    I've tried your suggestions and still I get no keys or curves in graphMate.

    Also, when I load an existing animation that I initially created from the DAZ timeline, it appears on the DAZ timeline and keyMate timeline, but not on the graphMate timeline.

    Just to clarify, I do have the "Listen for parameters from keyMate" and "Listen for parameters from Parameters tab" checked.

    Thanks again for any suggestions you might have.


    Can you see any graphs in graphmate in any context at all? Had you seen graphs in the past, and no longer can? I'm still on the latest 4.9, so it may be a 4.10 issue. If not, maybe you've got an installation quirk on just that tool.



  • All,

    I finally figured it out what I was doing wrong.

    At some point I had somehow switched to the Pose tab instead of the Parameter tab and the tabs look enough alike that I didn't notice.

    Once I switched to the Parameter tab, all my existing keys could now be displayed in graphMate and I can now add new keys in graphMate.

    Thanks so much for all the posts.

    Hopefully I can return the favor someday.


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