Multiplane Ciclorama
Do these work for the multiplane ciclorama that comes with daz (the beach one)? or do I have to buy the product?
From the required products list I only have the Millenium Environment.
[edit] Oh another question, will it work if i don't have the Woodland Realm Playsets? Those are just trees?
Post edited by Cherubit on
The enchanted enclave is a texture-expansion for 'A Mediterranean Balcony', not the Multiplane Cyclorama
As to the cyclorama, got that sooo long ago already that I just can't tell for sure if it is included in the present DS or not
The woodrealm realm sets, the millenium environment and the cyclorama are all different sets, but the 3 background texture expansion sets you mentioned are setup to work on all those environments (they have presets for all those environments).
The woodland sets are a combi of trees and background
Yes it's true, the first one was a mistake because it was also in my cart
There is a cyclorama inclused in DS (if you go to Environments > Landscapes > Multiplane Cyclorama, the beach one is free and comes with Genesis 2 Starter pack.
Thanks for the info :)